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During the conceptual planning phase of capital projects, also known as schematic design, architects and engineers develop the project scope through detailed design documents that they use to estimate the project’s schedule and cost.
This article examines the process of conceptual planning from a pharmaceutical owner’s perspective.
In doing so, it explains the many activities that occur during conceptual planning, activities such as defining functional objectives, operational concepts, master plans, schedules, and financial goals.
It also identifies the phase’s key issues as well as the pharmaceutical industry’s primary considerations when developing capital projects, considerations involving the strategic (innovative manufacturing capabilities, project goals, project funding) and the technical (implementation, documentation, cost and schedule estimating, risk management).
Structural engineering is a sub-discipline of civil engineering in which structural engineers are trained to design the ‘bones and muscles’ that create the form and shape of man-made structures.
Structural engineers also must understand and calculate the stability, strength, rigidity and earthquake-susceptibility of built structures for buildings and nonbuilding structures.
The structural designs are integrated with those of other designers such as architects and building services engineer and often supervise the construction of projects by contractors on site.
They can also be involved in the design of machinery, medical equipment, and vehicles where structural integrity affects functioning and safety. 
Simply stated, it is a systematic approach to managing cost throughout the life cycle of any enterprise, program, facility, project, product, or service.
This is accomplished through the application of cost engineering and cost management principles, proven methodologies, and the latest technology in support of the management process.

Every aspect of the project is measured to determine if it’s proceeding as planned, and if not, inform how project parts be improved. Basically, you’re asking the project a series of questions designed to discover what is working, what can be improved and whether the project is in fact useful. Tools like project dashboards and trackers help in the evaluation process by making key data readily available.
The project evaluation process has been around as long as there have been projects to evaluate. But when it comes to the science of project management, project evaluation can be broken down into three main types: pre-project evaluation, ongoing evaluation and post-project evaluation. So, let’s look at the project evaluation process, what it entails and how you can improve your technique.
Three Types of Project Evaluation
There are three points in a project where evaluation is most needed. While you can evaluate your project at any time, these are points where you should have the process officially scheduled.
Pre-Project Evaluation
In a sense, you’re pre-evaluating your project when you write your project charter to pitch to the stakeholders. You cannot effectively plan, staff and control a new project if you’ve first not evaluated it. Pre-project evaluation is the only sure way you can determine the effectiveness of the project before executing it.
Ongoing Evaluation
To make sure your project is proceeding as planned and hitting all the scheduling and budget milestones you set, it’s crucial that you are constantly monitoring and reporting on your work in real-time. Only by using project metrics can you measure the success of your project and whether or not you’re meeting the project’s goals and objectives.
Post-Project Evaluation
Think of this as a postmortem. The post-project evaluation is when you go through the project’s paperwork, interview the project team and principles, and analyze all relevant data so you can understand what worked and what went wrong. Only by developing this clear picture can you resolve issues in upcoming projects.

Geotechnical studies examine soil structure and other attributes that, combined with geophysical findings, create the geological model needed to establish engineering parameters for turbine foundations, substations, cable burial trenches, and other infrastructure.

Integrated reservoir management
In Oil & Gas industry that is basically a way of combining complementary approaches and techniques such as reservoir characterization, use of complex well architecture, geophysical, geology, special core analysis design of recovery processes, reservoir monitoring and reservoir simulation, and creating a positive synergy between them.


is the science of making maps and reading maps. Cartography lets you know how to make maps based on location, distances, angles, scale, legend, etc… and lets you know how to read maps correctly and know your location or any location by reading the map. 


is the study of the shape and features of land surfaces.

Our topographic surveying and mapping company delivers state-of-the-art, innovative services in the fields of terrestrial topography and aerial mapping by photogrammetry, implementing the more recent technologies such as lidar, mobile mapping, bathymetry, drones, 3D city models and BIM.

Over the years, thanks to our multiple skills, we have provided support and advice to a wide range of clients including international clients for large scale projects, individuals and promoters, engineering firms, architects, industrial and scientific sites, among others.

By providing a highly professional service, we at ensure customer satisfaction and qualitative efficiency. Our professional services include construction essentials, along with electrical and plumbing installations, drain pipe laying, gypsum soffits, membrane and more.
Our turnkey solutions are made up of design, planning, building, painting and finishing services.
Our plumbing solutions include drainpipe laying, trenching and plumbing planning services.
We carry out a range of electrical works including pointing, earth installations and general electrical work.

Environmental assessment (EA) is the assessment of the environmental consequences of a plan, policy, program, or actual projects prior to the decision to move forward with the proposed action. In this context, the term «environmental impact assessment» (EIA) is usually used when applied to actual projects by individuals or companies and the term «strategic environmental assessment» (SEA) applies to policies, plans and programmes most often proposed by organs of state.
It is a tool of environmental management forming a part of project approval and decision-making. Environmental assessments may be governed by rules of administrative procedure regarding public participation and documentation of decision making, and may be subject to judicial review.
RH Environmental Consulting Solutions  is a division of RH Engineering & Construction, that provides site predictability models, property history research, resource sensitivity modeling, and alternatives analysis for cultural resource studies.
We scientists specialize in cost-efficient and reliable sediment, surface soil, surface water, and tissue sampling.
Our team is equipped with advanced GIS skills, composed of the latest industry standard software, field DGPS units, and numerous accessory sensors.
We provides environmental support for exploration, upstream & midstream, and production segments of the oil & gas industry.
we routinely conducts biodiversity studies and threatened and endangered species surveys.
our scientists are experts in the fields of wetland construction, restoration, monitoring, habitat evaluation, delineation, and permitting.
Our state-of-the-art drones can collect high-resolution aerial photos, 4K video, and sub-meter GPS data. Benchmark delivers new perspectives on the obstacles of each project.
We create custom mobile solutions and design the best user experience that adds value to your customers and increases interaction with your brand or business in each of your digital channels.
Knowing if your company needs an app is not the question you should be asking yourself.

The question is:

What do I need it for?
Why don’t I have it?
How will it allow me to achieve and optimize the objectives of the company?
Only then will you understand the need to develop an application that is useful to you and meets your particular needs.